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Mongo Where ( Operators )


table is short for Model.objects

Usage: table.where(str: "column", str: "method", Any: value)

Method Check Column (IF)
eq Equals
lt Less than
le Less than or Equal than
gt Greater than
ge Greater than or Equal than
contains Custom Text Search (Ignore-Case)
regex Text Search "regex" (Case-Sensitive)
iregex Text Search "regex" (Ignore-Case)
in In List
bt Between "A & B"

API - Demo

table.where("column", "operator", "value")


You can add an exclamation point "!" at the beginning of the operator to make it a "not"

# Name Equals Joe
table.where("name", "eq", "joe")

# Name Not Equals Joe
table.where("name", "!eq", "joe")