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Permission Example

Check GraphQL Context for a { User } or { Anonymous-User }.

PERMISSIONS (Strawberry)

You can create your own permissions by using the base module.

The BasePermission included is just a wrapper for BasePermission from Strawberry

Import your Basics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" [Permission]
    Check GraphQL Context for a { User } or { Anonymous-User }.

import typing

from strawberry.types import Info

from fastberry import BasePermission

Get User Permissions

    "public": ["SomeMethod"],
    "admin": ["demoDetail", "demoSearch", "demoCreate", "demoUpdate", "demoDelete"],

def get_perms(role: str = None):
    """Get Role And Check For Permissions"""

    found = ROLES.get(role, [])
    if found and role:
        perms = found
        perms = []
    return perms

Create your Strawberry / Fastberry Permission

For more information about custom permissions go to strawberry: custom-permissions

class IsAuthorized(BasePermission):
    """Check If User Is Authorized"""

    message = "User is not authorized"  # Unauthorized

    async def has_permission(self, source: typing.Any, info: Info, **kwargs) -> bool:
        """Check GraphQL's Info Context"""

        # if not user.is_authenticated and user.is_anonymous:
        operation = info.field_name  # info.python_name
        user = info.context.get("user")
        if user:
            permissions = get_perms(user.role)
            return operation in permissions
        return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" [Permission]
    Check GraphQL Context for a { User } or { Anonymous-User }.

import typing

from strawberry.types import Info

from fastberry import BasePermission

    "public": ["SomeMethod"],
    "admin": ["demoDetail", "demoSearch", "demoCreate", "demoUpdate", "demoDelete"],

def get_perms(role: str = None):
    """Get Role And Check For Permissions"""

    found = ROLES.get(role, [])
    if found and role:
        perms = found
        perms = []
    return perms

class IsAuthorized(BasePermission):
    """Check If User Is Authorized"""

    message = "User is not authorized"  # Unauthorized

    async def has_permission(self, source: typing.Any, info: Info, **kwargs) -> bool:
        """Check GraphQL's Info Context"""

        # if not user.is_authenticated and user.is_anonymous:
        operation = info.field_name  # info.python_name
        user = info.context.get("user")
        if user:
            permissions = get_perms(user.role)
            return operation in permissions
        return False