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Middleware Example

Get { Authorization } from the { Cookies } and inject it to the { Headers }.

MIDDLEWARE (Starlette)

You can create your own middleware by using the base module.

The BaseMiddleware included is just a wrapper/rename for BaseHTTPMiddleware from Starlette

Import your Basics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" [Middleware]
    Get { Authorization } from the { Cookies } and inject it to the { Headers }.

from fastberry import BaseMiddleware

Create your FastAPI / Starlette / Fastberry Middleware

For more information about custom middleware go to starlette: BaseHTTPMiddleware

class AuthenticatedCookieMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    """Get Authorization From Cookie"""

    async def dispatch(self, request, call_next):
        """Process Request and Inject Header"""

        if (
            "Authorization" not in request.headers
            and "Authorization" in request.cookies
            access_token = request.cookies.get("Authorization")
                    f"Bearer {access_token}".encode(),
        response = await call_next(request)
        return response
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" [Middleware]
    Get { Authorization } from the { Cookies } and inject it to the { Headers }.

from fastberry import BaseMiddleware

class AuthenticatedCookieMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
    """Get Authorization From Cookie"""

    async def dispatch(self, request, call_next):
        """Process Request and Inject Header"""

        if (
            "Authorization" not in request.headers
            and "Authorization" in request.cookies
            access_token = request.cookies.get("Authorization")
                    f"Bearer {access_token}".encode(),
        response = await call_next(request)
        return response