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Welcome to S.P.O.C

SPOC serves as the foundation for constructing dynamic and adaptable frameworks. The concept involves creating a schema for your project(s) and building upon that foundational schema.

S.P.O.C stands for Single Point of Connections

SPOC allows you to collect designated Objects


Components are created by marking specific Objects with a @custom_decorator.
def hello_world():
    print("Hello World")


To load Extras, list them within a dedicated attribute.

For example: middleware or before_server inside the spoc.toml configuration file.

# ...

middleware = ["demo.middleware.function"] # (1)
before_server = ["demo.middleware.before_server_function"] # (2)
  1. Extra: of type middleware
  2. Extra: of type before_server

Spoc WorkFlow

    Spoc -->> Framework: Create a Framework
    Spoc -->> Framework: Create a Project
    Note over Spoc,Framework: Step[1]: Create your Framework's Base
    Framework -->> Component: Create a Component
    Note over Component,Framework: Step[2]: Create your Components
    Component -->> Spoc: Register the Component
    Note over Spoc,Framework: Step[3]: Loading your Framework
    Spoc -) Framework: Load the Settings
    Spoc -) Framework: Load Installed Apps
    Spoc -) Framework: Load all Extras
    Spoc -) Framework: Load all Components
    Note over Spoc,Framework: Finally: Use your Framework